life, human, emotions JAMIE CENTENO life, human, emotions JAMIE CENTENO

Cry baby

Crying is a natural response to emotions such as sadness, grief, or stress, and did you know there are a number of potential health benefits associated with it. Some of these benefits include:

  • "Tears are like a workout for your emotions - they help release all that pent-up tension and leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed"

  • "Crying is like a mental spa day - it helps you unwind, de-stress and leave you feeling like a new person"

  • "Crying is like hitting the reset button on your mood - it might not solve your problems but it will give you a fresh perspective and a better mood"

  • "Crying is like a hug for your soul, it makes you feel comforted and understood"

  • "Tears are like magic potion, they have the power to turn your frown upside down"

It is worth noting that crying is a personal and unique experience, and different people may feel different effects. Crying can be helpful to your heart, but it's also important to find a healthy balance, and address the underlying issues that are causing the distress.

All in all, Crying is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you're human and you're feeling something. When is the last time you had a big “boo hoo” session?

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Relationships JAMIE CENTENO Relationships JAMIE CENTENO

Are you attractive?

Attractiveness is a subjective and complex trait, and what people find attractive can vary greatly from person to person. However, there are some characteristics that are commonly considered to make people appear more attractive, such as:

  • Confidence: Confidence can be attractive because it suggests that a person is comfortable in their own skin and has self-assurance.

  • Positive Attitude: A positive attitude and having a good sense of humor is often seen as attractive because it makes people feel good to be around that person.

  • Kindness: Kindness and empathy are considered attractive because they suggest that a person is caring and considerate of others.

  • Physical Symmetry: People with facial features that are symmetrical and balanced are generally considered more attractive.

  • Self-grooming: People who take care of their appearance, dress well and well-groomed are often seen as more attractive.

  • Intelligence: People who are intelligent and knowledgeable about various topics are often considered more attractive because they can hold interesting conversations, and have many things to share.

It's worth noting that attractiveness is multifaceted, and it's a combination of many aspects. It is not just about physical appearance but also about inner qualities. People often find different traits attractive in different people. Also, people’s perception of attractiveness can be influenced by cultural, societal and personal bias, which change over time.

Ultimately, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and what one finds attractive, another might not.

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Writing a book step by step

Writing and self-publishing a book can be a rewarding and daunting experience. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose a topic: Start by deciding on a topic that you are passionate about and that you feel you have sufficient knowledge and expertise to write about. Consider what kind of book you want to write, such as a novel, a non-fiction guide, or a memoir.

  2. Develop a writing schedule: Set aside time each day or week to work on your book. Determine how much time you can realistically commit to writing, and try to stick to a consistent schedule.

  3. Create an outline: Outlining your book can help you stay organized and focused as you write. Start by brainstorming a list of key points or chapters that you want to include in your book. Then, organize these points into a logical structure, using subheadings and bullet points to break up the content.

  4. Write your book: Begin writing your book, starting with the introduction and moving through each chapter or section in order. Keep your outline nearby as a reference and try to stay focused on one topic at a time.

  5. Edit and revise your work: Once you have finished writing your book, it's important to take the time to edit and revise your work. Read through your book carefully, looking for any mistakes or areas that need improvement. Consider hiring a professional editor or enlisting the help of friends or colleagues to review your work.

  6. Choose a self-publishing platform: There are several options for self-publishing your book, including Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform, IngramSpark, and Lulu. Each platform has its own pros and cons, so take the time to research and compare your options before deciding which one is right for you.

  7. Prepare your book for publication: Once you have chosen a self-publishing platform, you will need to format and upload your book. This may involve converting your document into a specific file format, creating a cover design, and entering your book's metadata (such as the title and author name).

  8. Publish and promote your book: Once your book is live on the self-publishing platform, it's time to start promoting it to your audience. Consider creating a website or social media presence to share information about your book and interact with readers. You may also want to consider reaching out to book reviewers, bloggers, and other influencers to help spread the word about your book.

Writing and self-publishing a book can be a time-consuming process, but with dedication and hard work, it is possible to produce a high-quality book that will reach and engage your audience.

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Marriage, Relationships JAMIE CENTENO Marriage, Relationships JAMIE CENTENO

Buyers Guide to Marriage

There’s a pretty standard list of things that someone getting married should consider before they give a heart-felt “I do”. If you get clear on them, then so many other things will fall into place. When we’re blind to the facts and base our relationship potential on whether they smell good, look good, or have good manners, we can set ourselves up for buyer’s remorse in the future. The thing with marriage is that it doesn’t come with a receipt and it wasn’t designed by God to be returned like a shopping item. Here are some things to consider before you buy into whether your partner is marriage ready:

Do you share the same values in faith, family, finances, and conflict resolution? When you’re both on the same page, you will have harmony in your marriage. Having some candid conversations about these areas will eliminate the shock that comes later on when you find out what the other really believes about these things.

Do you share a complementary vision for the future? Knowing where each other’s ambitions lie influences the strategy you take and sacrifices you make to ensure you both get to where you’re going together.

Do you both know how to engage in healthy processes to get better? Another surprise can be eliminated by discovering whether the other person has a record of doing things right when they don’t agree with something or someone. Nothing is more exhausting than being with an emotional infant.

Are there strong, healthy support systems in your life that have been battle-tested and proven for getting to the other side of things? Learning this is a way of finding out if this person has friends that keep them accountable. A bonus would be if they happen to be a strong source of support for their friends when they are in need.

Has all the baggage of the past been unpacked so that there are no surprises? Trust me—everyone has baggage. What you want to know is if they still are carrying that baggage around. If they are, you will know pretty soon into the marriage and wonder to yourself, “is this the person I married?”. If they’ve received wise counseling or have personally worked through a healing process with the Lord that includes forgiveness, you’ll know they are ready for Matrimony.

That wasn’t so difficult, was it? The work that goes into making things work will not be as challenging if you do it in the beginning. If you follow this buyer’s guide, you’ll never have buyer’s remorse in your marriage.

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Why do people “fall out of love”?

“I just don’t love them no more,” is the saddest phrase I hear people say when they no longer want to be married. It’s one of the greatest tragedies when love has left the building. But here’s the thing: love is not just a feeling. It might start that way, but that is love at its baby stage. When love grows up it shows through its actions and decisions that it is love. The most mature and godly version of love is one that doesn’t need to be reciprocated in order to stick around. That being said, I don’t believe that couples who are truly in love can fall out of it. I would propose that your love is being “blocked”. Let me share some LOVE BLOCKERS that affect your decision to love that person or not.

LOVE BLOCKER #1: You have some secret sin you haven’t addressed. When someone is struggling with some shameful sin, they do everything they can to keep it covered up. What they don’t understand is that this sin doesn’t stay in that one area of their lives. It begins to take over. You would think fantasizing over explicit photos of other people on Instagram is innocent enough. While the Bible would call it lust, coveting, or adultery, and consider it sin, you might call it “browsing a feed.” Feeding off sin of any type seeps its way into your heart and begins to attack your relationships. Exposing that sin is the only sure way to root it out before it can take over and block real intimacy.

LOVE BLOCKER #2: Unwillingness to do the work that would make the marriage work. I know the last thing we need is another project. We wonder, “Why can’t marriage just work?” Marriage, just like every other worthwhile thing in your life, is going to take work. Whatever we choose not to work on will degrade into chaos and decay. Our houses get dusty if we don’t clean them. Our hair gets nappy if we don’t wash it. Our bodies shrivel up if we don’t feed them. We work on what we deem to be worth our time, and in time we will see the benefits of that work carried over into marriage.

LOVER BLOCKER #3: You start to believe you need to be freed up to pursue something more attractive or attentive to your needs. The selfishness of a person who feels neglected is a powerful thing. They feel entitled to certain needs being met. They are convinced they are too attractive to be settling for someone who can’t appreciate their looks. They are too smart to settle for someone who treats them like they are ignorant. They work too hard for someone who doesn’t do anything all day. Bottom line, they think love should work like an amusement park. The selfish person is the amusement park that gets all the attention, wanting people to go out of their way to be there. They don’t go anywhere or do anything; they are there to be marveled at and touted over.  

LOVE BLOCKER #4: You don’t love yourself. When you are insecure or dislike yourself, it will sabotage your relationships before they have a chance to grow. The love you may not receive in return for your own stems from a failure to open the door of your heart. You may feel that door has been taped off for reconstruction, but how often do you get to it? You have come to believe you are damaged goods. On top of that, you are too ashamed to consider how wonderfully you’ve been made. When hardship shows up in your marriage, it reinforces the internal story you’ve been telling yourself about being unworthy of love.This handicap will begin to dismantle the relationship as you perceive your spouse to be turning on you. It is just your way of controlling things. Usually, the spouse is looking to come to an understanding. But to the person who feels unlovable, they don’t recognize the opportunities they have for love to be reinforced. They actually refuse to open up when it’s knocking at the door.

So how do you get the love back into your marriage? You deal with the blockers of love. These are real conversations to be had and actions to take to aggressively remove these blockers. After these mature actions are taken, the feelings will come crawling back. When people say they have fallen out of love, they are really just experiencing things that block love. Love is not something you fall in and out of it. Love is a decision. Being wise in how you enter marriage shows you are ready to be on the journey of love for the long haul. I hope these have been helpful things to think of before you open up your heart to the greatest decision of your life.

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