Reopening churches is good, right?

Which emoji most depicts how you felt when you heard the new that churches are encouraged to reopen? šŸ¤— or šŸ˜® or šŸ˜” or ā˜¹ļø

This week has been an exciting one for many pastors who have been emboldened by our Presidentā€™s recent statement announcing religious institutions as ā€œessentialā€, encouraging them to begin to safely reopen. Many people are the šŸ¤— emoji at this news, as they should be. However, there are also just as many who are the ā˜¹ļø emoji because of the precautious they believe still needs to take place. There are mixed reviews on churches reopening, however, there were other ā€œessentialā€ businesses that have had hundreds of people gather in their buildings. Home Depot, Walmart, supermarkets and even dollar stores are open every day and I donā€™t think there has been as much controversy as there is about the church opening itā€™s doors. Traditionally, the church would be the first place people would run during times of crisis. Now, not even professed followers of Jesus Christ are in one accord about this matter.

Pastors are going to choose different approaches to reopen if they reopen at all. Some pastors will take their time, opening slowly, others will move more rapidly. There will be no approach that will make everyone happy. The burden on spiritual leaders in this time is heavier than ever. They canā€™t please everyone around them and shouldnā€™t try. Though, I would say, spiritual leaders should demonstrate grace and respect for wherever other spiritual leaders land in their decision.

While some parishioners will stay home from going to the actual facility and call it common sense or wisdom, some will go to church and call it devotion and courage. Should we reduce ourselves into ridiculing others convictions to feel better about ours? We can achieve unity if everyone, from wherever they are in the line, moving together towards a healthy and functional society, communicate support that we are all of the same vision. While the onset of this pandemic made us new friends the conclusion of this quarantine shouldnā€™t turn people into enemies. It would be sad if we end up re-erecting our fences based on choices we ourselves wouldnā€™t make in this time. Criticizing someoneā€™s decisions because itā€™s not the one you are making is a good way of catching a worst virus than the one we are trying to protect people from. The virus of offense is looking to destroy all we built.

Here are my convictions that bring me to the decision Iā€™ve made to re-open. I believe Godā€™s word to be true. I believe God is a healer. I believe God is able. I believe miracles still happen. I believe Jesus didnā€™t retreat from the lepers but moved towards them because He was operating from the Kingdom of heaven. I believe when someone walks fully in faith- fear will want to shut them down. Fear needs a voice just like Faith. I believe we are not to let a political spirit or a religious one control our actions. If we are like everyone else or even worse in crisis, then what hope can we offer a world that is in crisis? And you possibly have the same convictions but have arrived at a different decision. Let us unite around what we are for and relational trust each other in places we donā€™t agree with. I am excited that churches have been encouraged to reopen because I love God and want to publicly demonstrate that. I want to honor the sacrifices that my forefathers have made to have religious freedom in this country. I want to step out of the comfortable boat and step into the turbulent water where I see Jesus walking. My stance is to communicate that I havenā€™t changed my mind that I have decided to follow Jesus. And that I recognize His church which He bleed and died to bring into existence is what I will be apart of to advance His kingdom and to be equipped for the end-time harvest. Church is not an institution to me it's a glorious gathering. Donā€™t get me wrong , I believe we can have a personal relationship with Jesus anywhere but the statement that ā€œI am the churchā€ is not a true statement. We are the church not any isolated, individual by him or herself. It would be good to remember there are specific ways that God shows up and blesses us when we are corporately gathered. Even if you canā€™t go to church right away because of specific situations in your life doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be excited or you canā€™t support it. I donā€™t want to make you feel bad if you are unable to because of a compromised immune system or loved ones you need to protect. Just like youā€™re thinking of others because youā€™re staying put, in that same sensitive and caring way think of others who need to go to church when it reopens because the church is the hope of the world. We are gap standers not popular option makers. We are strangers and aliens in this world not natives and long term residence. We are to bring change into the world not be changed by it. We are voices of faith that usually stand-alone not voices of fear that hide in the crowds.

Letā€™s rewind and remind ourselves that we (the church) have been praying for our nation to return to God. Praying prayers that would put a halt to the secularization, anti-Christ agenda that was taking hold of our nation. I can recall prayer efforts that prayed for the highest position in the land to be a champion for faith efforts. Some got as specific as praying for presidential decrees that would liberate us from anti-christ tyranny that was becoming more aggressive by the day. When the Lord does answers our sincere, diligent prayers youā€™d think we would have gotten it by now that we usually get what we need in packages that we donā€™t want.

Since the start of this pandemic it has been a curiosity for me to see peopleā€™s response to their own spiritual leaders' voice and what faith they have in what the Bible has to say about where we are currently. There is a real cultural war happening to influence everyone. I believe that depending on who got the most of your attention shaped your perspective. My hope is that you let the Lord help you see things the way He sees them and walk this experience out in faith, love and honor.


Jamie Centeno leads a thriving inner-city church called In The Light. As a second generation pastor he approaches his calling as the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO). He is passionate to build the body of Christ to be the spiritual powerhouse itā€™s meant to be while beautifying this bride of Christ. He has a heart for generations, denominations, and nations to be discipled to do the same.

He has authored the books ā€œHeavolution | moves of God are messyā€ and ā€œRelationShiftā€ and the most recently ā€œMilk and Honey | entering the land that flowsā€. He lives in Philadelphia, PA with his wife and five children.

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