Are you attractive?

Attractiveness is a subjective and complex trait, and what people find attractive can vary greatly from person to person. However, there are some characteristics that are commonly considered to make people appear more attractive, such as:

  • Confidence: Confidence can be attractive because it suggests that a person is comfortable in their own skin and has self-assurance.

  • Positive Attitude: A positive attitude and having a good sense of humor is often seen as attractive because it makes people feel good to be around that person.

  • Kindness: Kindness and empathy are considered attractive because they suggest that a person is caring and considerate of others.

  • Physical Symmetry: People with facial features that are symmetrical and balanced are generally considered more attractive.

  • Self-grooming: People who take care of their appearance, dress well and well-groomed are often seen as more attractive.

  • Intelligence: People who are intelligent and knowledgeable about various topics are often considered more attractive because they can hold interesting conversations, and have many things to share.

It's worth noting that attractiveness is multifaceted, and it's a combination of many aspects. It is not just about physical appearance but also about inner qualities. People often find different traits attractive in different people. Also, people’s perception of attractiveness can be influenced by cultural, societal and personal bias, which change over time.

Ultimately, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and what one finds attractive, another might not.


Jamie Centeno leads a thriving inner-city church called In The Light. As a second generation pastor he approaches his calling as the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO). He is passionate to build the body of Christ to be the spiritual powerhouse it’s meant to be while beautifying this bride of Christ. He has a heart for generations, denominations, and nations to be discipled to do the same.

He has authored the books “Heavolution | moves of God are messy” and “RelationShift” and the most recently “Milk and Honey | entering the land that flows”. He lives in Philadelphia, PA with his wife and five children.

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