Cry baby

Crying is a natural response to emotions such as sadness, grief, or stress, and did you know there are a number of potential health benefits associated with it. Some of these benefits include:

  • "Tears are like a workout for your emotions - they help release all that pent-up tension and leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed"

  • "Crying is like a mental spa day - it helps you unwind, de-stress and leave you feeling like a new person"

  • "Crying is like hitting the reset button on your mood - it might not solve your problems but it will give you a fresh perspective and a better mood"

  • "Crying is like a hug for your soul, it makes you feel comforted and understood"

  • "Tears are like magic potion, they have the power to turn your frown upside down"

It is worth noting that crying is a personal and unique experience, and different people may feel different effects. Crying can be helpful to your heart, but it's also important to find a healthy balance, and address the underlying issues that are causing the distress.

All in all, Crying is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you're human and you're feeling something. When is the last time you had a big “boo hoo” session?


Jamie Centeno leads a thriving inner-city church called In The Light. As a second generation pastor he approaches his calling as the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO). He is passionate to build the body of Christ to be the spiritual powerhouse it’s meant to be while beautifying this bride of Christ. He has a heart for generations, denominations, and nations to be discipled to do the same.

He has authored the books “Heavolution | moves of God are messy” and “RelationShift” and the most recently “Milk and Honey | entering the land that flows”. He lives in Philadelphia, PA with his wife and five children.

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